St. Augustine
SAINT AUGUSTINE   Macroknow Library

On Free Choice of the Will

"Evodius. Tell me, please, whether God is not the cause of evil.
Augustine. I shall, if you will explain what kind of evil you mean. For we usually speak of evil in two senses: one when we mean that someone has done evil; the other, when we mean that someone has suffered evil."

"No part of truth is ever made the private property of anyone; rather, it is entirely common to all at the same time."1b PAINE RAND

" . . . [W]e do not sin by necessity but by free will." 1c BUDDHA SPINOZA RICOEUR

" . . . [A] wicked will is the cause of all evil." 1d



The Essential Augustine.

" . . . [I]f I am deceived, I am. For he who does not exist cannot be deceived; and if I am deceived, by this same token I am."2a BHAGAVAD GITA DESCARTES

" . . . [I]t is not correct to say there are three periods of time: past, present and future. . . For these three are in the soul . . . : the present of things past is in the memory; the present of things present is immediate vision; the present of future things is expectation."2b OLD TESTAMENT HEGEL NIETZSCHE HEIDEGGER

"'The wicked walk in a circle.'"2c*[Contrast with Ecclesiastes 3:15-16.] OLD TESTAMENT HEGEL NIETZSCHE HEIDEGGER


1 Saint Augustine (354-430). On Free Choice of the Will. Translated by Anna S. Benjamin and L.H. Hackstaff. With an Introduction by L.H. Hackstaff. Englewood, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964.
a Book I, at 3.
b Book I, at 8.
c Book III, at 90.
d Book III, at 126

2 Saint Augustine. The Essential Augustine. 2nd ed. Selected and with Commentary by Vernon J. Bourke. Vernon J. Bourke, 1964-1974. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing Company.
a If I am Deceived, I Exist, at 33. Source of the translation: City of God, XI, 26; trans. The Works of Aurelius Augustinus, ed. Marcus Dods, 15 vols, Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark Co., 1871-1876. Revised by Vernon J. Bourke. 
b What Is Time?, at 233. Source of the translation: Confessions, XI, 14.17-30.40; trans. Fathers of the Church, ed. R.J. Deferrari et al., Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1948-1962, 5 (1953), 343-365.
c Critique of Cyclicism, at 243. Source of the translation: City of God, XII, 13-15; trans. The Works of Aurelius Augustinus, ed. Marcus Dods, 15 vols, Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark Co., 1871-1876.