
7 Greeks.1



"The Logos is eternal
but men have not heard it
and men have heard it and not understood.

"Through the Logos all things are understood
yet men do not understand
. . .

"One must talk about everything according to its nature,
how it comes to be and how it grows.

Men have talked about the world without paying attention
to the world or to their own minds,
as if they were asleep or absent-minded.

6 "Knowledge is not intelligence."
17 "Nature loves to hide. [Becoming is a secret process]."
20 "Everything flows; nothing remains [everything moves; nothing is still. Everything passes away; nothing lasts.]"
21 "One cannot step twice into the same river, for the water into which you first stepped has flowed on."
25 "War is the father of us all and our king. War discloses who is godlike and who is but a man, who is a slave and who is freeman."
60 "The dead body is useless even as manure."
80 "All men think."
107 "Having cut, burned and poisoned the sick, the doctor then submits his bill."


* Italics in the original.

1 7 Greeks: Archilocos, Sappho, Alkman, Anakreon, Herakleitos, Diogenes, Herondas. Translations by Guy Davenport. Guy Davenport, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1991, 1995. The Regents of the University of California, 1980. New York, NY: New Directions Publishing Corporation. (Herakleitos, at 158-171.)